“Pre-fatigue gives free entry to COVID-19”

Dr. Jorge Garza-Ulloa
4 min readJul 24, 2021

This “pandemic” has affected us on many fronts: health, economy, independence, free movement, education, and many things. I will focus on something that affects us all and if we do not recognize it, it will continue to envelop and destroy one of the most precious things in our lives our “human mind” through “pre-fatigue of COVID-19”.

“Fatigue” is a term to describe a general feeling of tiredness or lack of energy. This happens when there is no longer motivation and no energy, the most common symptom is to be “sleepy during our daily activities”. And this is a common symptom of “many medical conditions with a medium to high severity range” such as: insomnia, arthritis, fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, diabetes, kidney or liver disease, chronic pulmonary obstruction, autoimmune disorders, affected mental conditions, and many more as infections caused by cold, flu and/or viruses. I will focus precisely on the concept of “pre-fatigue” which these days is very often associated with the “COVID-19” and our “immune system”. The “pre-fatigue” gradually is developed based on three stages: “transitional”, “circadian” and “acute fatigue”. Where:

“Transitional” as a “pre-fatigue” result of a little sleep restriction based on extended hours of sleep restriction within a range of 1 or 2 days.

“Circadian” as an “acute pre-fatigue” by reducing sleeping hours during a particular “circadian window of our natural biological internal body clock cycle”, which is typically affected by not sleeping the period. When they have already passed sleeping “phase 1” and “phase 2” of our “light dreams” where we can wake up very easily, these phases because our sleep just revitalize our “daily tiredness”, but if we cannot continue sleeping to “phase 3” and “phase 4” of our necessary “deep sleep”, where if they sleep are wake up they show a “deteriorated cognitive system” known as “inertia sleep” with an average duration from 15 to 30 minutes. And more cognitive problems occur if we cannot not reach “phase 5” associated with high brain activity known as “dreaming” or “REM”. At this time, a lot of brain activation is detected to process all the day’s information in parts of the brain: “temporary superior gyri’, “previous cingulate”, “insular cortices” and the “thalamus”.

“Acute fatigue” as a “complete acute fatigue” due to repeated restriction of accumulated hours of not getting enough sleep over a series of days

Detection of “pre-fatigue/fatigue”

There are many symptoms of the “cognitive type”, and the most common can be observed all day long:

“Increases response time”,

“Reduction of attention”,

“Deteriorated memory”,

“Withdrawn mood”,

“Very poor decision-making”,

“Slow reaction to changing situations”,

“Failures of responses to an imminent conflict or danger”,

“Loss of situational consciousness”,

“Frequent forgetfulness”,

and many more.

Pre-fatigue/fatigue” damage

This whole process begins as an affectation and destruction of the nervous system, in the medium and long term that needs to be taken care of “effects due to specific causes”, as:

  • “Mental attitude causes stress”,
  • “Physical reaction causes anxiety”,
  • “Nervous system damage and its consequences cause panic or fear”. •
  • “Permanent nerve affects” affecting the best weapon our body to fight the viruses, bacteria and infections causes “our immune system be debilitated” and give free entry to the destructive COVID-19.

Pre-fatigue” COVID-19 prevention

The first step is the most important recommendation is to develop “sleeping hygiene”. It consists of improving habits to sleep well as:

  • Always go to sleep at the same time each night. “A general rule of thumb is that if you’re struggling to fall asleep at the start of the night, that’s due to anxiety or stressful life events.”
  • Make sure you have an environment free of distractions such as noisy surrounding, electronic screens, strong illumination especially avoids screens warnings and messages, they trigger sleeplessness early in the night.
  • Avoid taking caffeine in its many forms: sodas, chocolates, vaporizers, etc.,
  • Avoid alcohol before sleep, because once body has broken down and metabolized the alcohol, the deep sleep phase of your cycle is over; instead, your sleep becomes irregular, as your brain waves are stimulated.
  • Combat daily stress: with exercise, singing, dancing, and thing you enjoyed more in your life.
  • Try meditation, a relaxing yoga routine, respiration exercises, etc.
  • Smile and laugh about funny things before going to bed
  • And have faith in God, we do not need more that his blessing

Step two. Do not self-medicate, asking for professional medical help.

Remembers “this affects us all, just that some handle them well and others don’t because it can be something more serious and severe as COVID-19.

“Just remember that sleeping is not optional, sleep help our immune system to produce protective infection-fighting as antibodies and others to combat foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses

Reference :"Pre-fatigue gives free entry to COVID-19", November 2020, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.36738.09929/1, License CC BY-SA 4.0.



Dr. Jorge Garza-Ulloa

Dr. Jorge Garza-Ulloa is author of books and research on: “Artificial Intelligence Applied in Biomedical Engineering”, and many research published in journals